Saturday, August 8, 2009

Speaking of Hair in a Tropical Country...

I have naturally curly hair. In May I traveled to the Philippines for the first time. My hair was not my favorite feature there. I wore it up as much as possible to hide the frizziness & to gain relief from the intensely heated humidity. I should have read the a fore mentioned book as my hair in this state did not really give me confidence in my status as a gorgeous princess about to become engaged. So, I did what any not-thinking-very-clearly princess concerned for hair welfare might do. I had it chemically relaxed 2 days before leaving to return home.

It turned out beautifully straight. Even the ends which I'd never previously been able to straighten were straight. Now that I'm home it is fantastic! No more spending 30-45 minutes every time I wash my hair in blowing drying/straightening. The not thinking clearly part comes in when you're stuck in the chair at the salon for OVER 5 HOURS!! The entire time I spent thinking about all the other things I could have been doing, for example: not annoying everyone that had to wait for me, hanging with my incredible fiance, etc. Plus, sitting in a chair for 5 straight hours isn't very exciting. I think I looked through all the magazines that were within reach.

Now that I've been home for 2 months, I'm starting to miss some of the curliness. Although I still love that it doesn't take as long to make the mane look magnificent after it dries. So, what do I do? I start curling it. I spent a couple thousand pesos on straightening it, only to come home & curl it again! My soon-to-be family in the Philippines would probably be appalled. I get comments even if I just put it up from them because I spent so much money & should be enjoying the straightness that is now mine.

It just goes to show that the grass is indeed always greener on the other side of the fence. (Why is that?)


Maren said...

I wish I were taller, thinner, had red hair, could sing higher, etc etc etc (Hee Hee!)

Anonymous said...

Everything always look greener on the other side of the fence because you are not seeing the faults and problems of your neighbors.

Petrova said...

It makes me a little crazy that I always seem to want what I don't have. Learning to be happy with what one has been given is not something that comes easily. The people who have managed to master that quality spend far more time in life being happy.