When I was in High School, I volunteered at a crisis hotline. It was in a dark and creepy basement of a library. There was a back room full of old and dusty books. Myself and one of the other volunteers (you know who you are!) would often explore these books. One day, we found a book with a chapter titled "Brazil, with my Hair, Never!" This became our motto. Did we know what this meant? No of course not! It was just funny, and that is what we were, funny! (At least we thought we were funny.) We said it so much that people began to say "what do you mean? Why do you two always talk about Brazil?" It became rather ironic when one of us (not me) was assigned as a missionary to ... Brazil. Really, even with his hair.
What this post is really about, though, is not Brazil, nor hair, but in fact, the power of google. I began wondering last night if I would ever know the meaning of Brazil, with my hair, never, or if it would just be a phrase of un-usefulness forever. Well, my friends, I googled it this morning. This lovely chapter is from a book called "Book of Beauty, How to Become a more Attractive, Confident, and Sensual Woman." By Diane von Furstenburg. (Perhaps I should have read Ms. von Furstenburg's book. Then again, perhaps not.)
So there you have it, mystery solved. If one wants to learn to be confident, even with curly hair in a tropical climate, there is a book out there for you.
I believe from this you also gained "STOP, that does not help me to grow!" :D
Ha! I had forgotten about that one.
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