There is something about being human that makes people slightly obnoxious at times. When a person is expecting a child, people often feel they have the right, or perhaps even the obligation, to let people know that the hard times are yet to come. That you will not get any sleep. That your life will no longer be your own. That it just gets harder and harder. Well, maybe I am just insane, or maybe my pregnancies were harder than most, or maybe my girls are so cute that I forget that it is supposed to be all that hard, so I am here to write a list of why the actual baby is better than the hell that is the pregnancy before hand.
1. Even if you only get two hours of sleep with the baby, at least you can roll over with out pain.
2. When not pregnant, you can go longer than two hours without peeing.
3. Your fat pregnant belly does not smile at you.
4. When the baby feels heavy or your arms get tired you can hand the baby to someone else, or set the baby down. Not so possible with pregnant belly.
5. People may try and touch your baby, but at least they have stopped touching your stomach.
6. Fat rolls on babies are cute. Fat rolls on adults not so much.
7. During the last months of pregnancy people love to tell you how miserable you look. After the baby is born, people stop looking at you and only notice the baby.
8. Baby spit up/diapers are way better than self-vomit.
9. Babies are sweet and snuggly and like to hold your finger. Fetus's like to jump on your bladder and kick your rib cage.
10. "Oh no the baby is crying" is a great excuse to give telemarketers.
11. As much as I hated being pregnant, I actually wanted the child.
I really could go on. Point being it does not always get harder.
1 comment:
Considering the fact that I was vomiting as this was written, I'd have to agree with that point. Also, I'm so TIRED/ANNOYED with the people who keep telling me that my pregnant life is just going to get worse. Half the time when I've been told that, I wasn't actually complaining, I was just explaining the current pregnancy stage.
Having had friends & family that have been pregnant before, and having my first pregnancy at 30, I feel like I'm, perhaps, a likely more aware of what to expect than an 18 year old first timer. I, of course, still have questions & concerns, however, most people seem to think it's their mission in life to disillusion me of any ideas of how maybe pregnancy or life after the baby might not be so bad. It has made it hard for me to share my pregnancy with people &/ or enjoy it with them.
In closing this novel, I would just like to say that I'm greatly looking forward to not having to urinate every 2 hours! :)
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