Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Things I do not like

I try hard to not go on feminist rampages, because people get easily offended, some people feel feminism equals satan, etc etc, but every once and awhile I stumble across something that I just can't wrap my head around such as:
This is not a post about nursing in public or anything like that. Its the name. Udder covers? Really? I know someone thought they were cute and clever.
I am not a cow. Breast feeding my child does not equate me to a farm animal.
That's all.

1 comment:

GR82BAMOM said...

I agree. And here I thought "Hooter Hiders" was bad.
I see that "Udder Covers" is based out of Utah. Mmmm... Maybe it's just their sense of humor?

Glad I found your blog. I will be sure to bookmark it. I also have a blog that I try to update on a semi-regular basis with the latest on my little family.

Hope you and your sweet family are doing well.